
Akshat Jain

Software Engineer

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About Me

Hi! My name is Akshat Jain and I am a Computer Science Major with Honors from the University of California, Berkeley, a FRC Team 5427 alum, and an avid full-stack developer primarily specializing in JavaScript frameworks. As a global thinker, I pride myself on being able to scale ideas by providing efficient system designs and bringing beautiful designs to life.

I love being involved in my campus community! Here are the commitments I've been involved in:

  • Research Assistant at eCal Labs

  • Project Manager at PlexTech

  • Payments Committee Member at Fintech @ Berkeley

  • Full-Stack Developer at ASUC (Campus Government) Office of the CTO - Berkeley Mobile

  • Instructor at Juni Learning

  • Member and Mentor at IEEE

Technical Experience

Summer 2021


Software Development Intern

  • Helped audit the illegal use of cookies against customer consent by developing an internal React application with a Java REST API (with test coverage in JUnit/ Mockito) deployed in serverless architecture.

  • Automated the deployment of Cloud Infrastructure with the AWS CDK in TypeScript for frontend hosting, RDS (MySQL) configuration and Lambda integrations, thus reducing cloud management overhead.

  • Resolved an issue of high cold-start times by setting up live Auto-Scaling for concurrency and optimizing for multithreading and asynchronous performance lowering average latency from 17s to 1s.

Fall 2020


Software Engineering Intern

  • Automated client appointment and scheduling by utilizing Google Calendar and Zoom APIs with OAuth 2.0 to write a best-fit algorithm (linear time) in Python and implement it with Vue.js and FastAPI.

  • Automated the tedious task of psychologists opening a document set in an external dated platform in a JavaScript Chrome Extension, reducing number of clicks needed from an average of 25 down to 2.

  • Redesigned the FastAPI server to lead to greater documentation (OpenAPI Standard), scalability, and security (Pydantic) by adding response/body models and RBAC to over 45 routes.

Summer 2020


Software Engineering Intern

  • Led internal intern team in creating a POC, Visa Curbside by implementing Agile management ideals such as sprint planning/review and leading team standups.

  • Utilized React’s Context library and the Axios library to dynamically load data from the FastAPI backend across 25 separate endpoints.

  • Transitioned the existing Django architecture to a new FastAPI server, increasing performance by 300%, implementing automatic OpenAPI documentation, and scalable Pydantic data validation.

January 2020 -

PlexTech (Extracurricular)

President / Co-Founder / Developer

  • Created and hosting a responsive, single-page informational website describing goals and a mission of connecting passionate students to Silicon Valley.

  • Creating a deep pedagogy which walks 40 new members through various essential facets of software development.

  • Coordinating with multiple Silicon Valley companies and gained 3 contracts for software consulting projects.

August 2019 -

Berkeley Mobile (Extra-Curricular)

Full-Stack Lead Developer

  • Utilized current user stories as a heuristic to lead development in fully revamping Berkeley’s official campus app in React Native eventually reaching a 36% user base increase.

  • Deployed a Python (Selenium) data aggregation script on Google Compute Engine: Scraping relevant campus Facebook Events data and storing in Firebase. Deployment of this feature saw a 7% active usage increase.

August 2019 –

Juni Learning

Student Instructor (Part-Time)

  • Instructing 15 students of all levels upon a a full course on basic Python and Java programming and advanced algorithms.

  • Making curriculum suggestions and improvements leading to the addition of 3 new supplemental projects, enhancing the quality of teaching materials.

Spring and Summer 2020

University of Calfornia, Berkeley (eCAL Labs)

Undergraduate Research Assistant

  • Built an internal full stack MERN application to interact with an EV charge-optimizing algorithm with secure authorization (JWT Tokens) and responsive UI Design.

  • Containerized the application with Docker and utilized AWS EC2 and DynamoDB to successfully deploy with a custom downtime-tracker tool with quality assurance test cases.

  • Coordinated with the algorithms team, the remote industrial team (Kitu), and the chemical team (product) to properly consolidate all features and business logic into a deployable product.

Fall 2019

Wymbo Inc.

Software Engineering Intern (Part-Time)

  • Solved 7 pertinent issues relating to event creation bugs and solution of edge cases on the ReactJS website.

  • Solved release-stopping Firebase and Live Reload dependency issues in the React Native - Android version.

Summer 2018 and 2019

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Software Engineering Intern

  • Built streamlined profile reports for millions of company open source vulnerabilities and customer data with Node.JS. This secured funding for an internal open source tracking application.

  • Worked under an Agile workflow to add 38 mini-features and UI updates for an internal open source tracking application (VB.NET and JavaScript), improving user research reports.

  • Created a CRUD desktop GUI with Python (Tkinter) to paginate tens of gigabytes ofsensitive product data. Wrote a separate Python script to automate its data cleansing and saved 2 hr/week oftedious manual labor.

June 2017 – January 2019

BitsNBytes Tutorials (Start-Up)


  • Gathered and taught over 120 students over the duration of 1.5 years to participate in a Java Bootcamp by conducting market research and direct marketing.

  • Developed, designed and published a comprehensive web interface in PHP and MySQL to facilitate grading, online assignment submission and material distribution.


University of California, Berkeley

May 2022

Computer Science Major with Honors
Entrepreneurship Certificate



Developed at LA Hacks 2020, Construtable is an Android/iOS app that aims to impact the construction industry with a revolutionary product that increases productivity, collaboration, and management.

With a team, we built Constructable with Adobe XD's UI Kit and a React Native frontend with Material Design Practices. For the backend, we used Python (Flask) and MongoDB Atlas for easy image caching, scalability and flexible No-SQL structure. For testing, we developed data schema through the Mongo DB, and we also used Postman to create test queries (for the backend team to use while front end was being developed). We created backend analytics with Python's Pandas, Seaborn and MatPlotLib to integrate data-driven features. We also used Twilio API for fast and quick communication / notifications. Deployed Flask server to Google App Engine for scalability and optimized React Native for both Android and iOS.

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Developed at CalHacks 2019, Choices is an Android and iOS app which recommends menu items for the user to try at a restaurant based on a calulcated inference of their taste pallete and popular items for the restaurant gathered from Yelp and Google Reviews.

As the project manager, I distributed roles to the rest of my team members and made sure the project was coming along cohesively. I was also responsible for developing the app in React Native and gathering the necessary user data to the recommendation algorithm / the menu scanning algorithm in Python. I used a simple web scraper to gather the Yelp review data and used the Google Cloud Platform to gather Google Reviews data from the user's location. Then I used Google NLP's Sentiment Analysis API to gather if the user liked the item or not. Lastly, I handled the publishing of the Flask server to a Google App Engine instance primarily to improve the well-known shortcomings of the development Flask server.

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Close Cash

Winning the "Best Financial Hack" at HackRice9, CloseCash is a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS) web application optimized for mobile platforms allowing a user hat need close cash to match with tellers that are ranked in a list based on location and amount of cash on hand. The application consists of a receiver and teller interface, your most recent transaction, and a ranked search for the closest teller.

I worked on the back-end and data integration. Working with the APIs and the MongoDB database was tough especially since it was my first time with this stack, but I got it done and learned a lot. I utilized Capital One's API to create and use customer ids to make transactions in the application. Additionally, I implemented the Google Maps API to find a user's location for a searching and ranking algorithm. Lastly, we made heavy use of Passport.js, Sessions, Cookies, and Axios to secure user data and communicate between multiple servers.

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Contest Management System

In this project, which I did for my Computer Science UIL region in high school, I built a local web tool to handle local computer science contests. The tool we previously had was hard to set up, judge with, and count points and I was approached by many other schools asking me to let them use my project in their contest.

To make the tool secure, I learned how to make prepared statements with PHP and MySQL so that the data couldn't be compromised and properly handle authentication. In order to get the Java files that students submitted to compile securely, I had to learn how to take advantage of shell execute methods with PHP. In the future, I will be looking to revamp this whole project in Node.JS to take advantage of its vast open-source tooling and use a front-end framework in order to lessen styling headaches

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Flappy Bird 2.0

I used Java to create this really fun desktop GUI application in which a bird tries to fly through pipes. This is similar to the original game except I revamped this to an alien/space theme. There are two modes to this game: FreePlay and Campaign. In the FreePlay mode, the player is just trying to get a high score with a UFO shooting at him. The Campaign mode is similar except after you get past 20 pipes, the boss alien comes down and tries to kill you in shooter combat.

Creating the Boss and UFO AI was the hardest part of the project. By predicting user actions and responding appropriately, I was able to code a difficult AI which is hard to beat. Everything was custom drawn with JPanel so drawing the pipes and the characters was also a bit of a challenge.

Please download it and play a game or two!

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Project Now

Project Now, a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS ) website, is in development...

Project Now is an upcoming website that allows young student developers to find projects that they might like to do for practice. Someone posts a project with appropriate technical specifications and then student developers upvote the project submits their final solution. The project poster can either accept/deny the proposed solution and even comment on it to start a conversation. There would be some monetary reward correlated to the number of upvotes a post gets to incentivice people to post projects on the site.

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4x4x4 Tic Tac Toe AI

This project was a 4x4x4 Tic Tac Toe simulation with 2 AIs playing against each other. My role in the project was to develop one of the two AIs that were playing against one another. I learned important AI concepts in this project such as decision making based upon scores and how to make accurate predictions about the opponent's next move.

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IGN Code Foo 9

IGN Code Foo 9 was a challenge that IGN put out to find interns for their 2019 summer recruiting season ( I was 17 at the time so I couldn't participate but I did some of the projects jut for fun anyways. I completed the witcher challenge (an algorithm challenge) using Java, the front-end challenge (replicating IGN's website) with simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the back-end challenge (replicating IGN's database schema and plugging in the CSV data) with MySQL.

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Project Portfolio

I developed this website you are seeing right now (Ha, infinite recursion) and published it on GitHub Pages in order to properly display all my experience and projects. Styling this website was the hardest part. I used SASS in order to make styling easier and JavaScript to provide some light funcionality such as Buttons, Navigation and Timelines.

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Steel Scout

Steel Scout was a mobile application that was used in my FRC team 5427 to scout teams in competitions. This improves upon our previous method of scouting (Google Forms) because it provides in-built data analytics and a pick list.

As a project manager, I assigned roles to everyone in the team and created spec sheets. I made a design doc and decided upon the software stack for this project. The front-end was React Native to provide cross-platform functionality and the backend was Firebase. One of the challenges in this app was getting React Native to integrate with Firebase efficiently because the react-native-firebase library was really buggy at first.

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BitsNBytes Tutorials

I created and deployed this website to attract more students to join BitsNBytes Tutorials, my business started up in high school. Since high school, I have retired BitsNBytes to focus on other endeavours, but this website was an intense project that fiercly developed my backend skills.

Using PHP and MySQL, students were able to sign up for the course, submit their homework, have it autograded, check their grades, take quizzes and tests, view curriculum and even play a make-shift JavaScript Flappy Bird game!

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Project Almanac

This site was supposed to serve as a complete revamp to our Robotic's team previous Weebly site. It consolidates all robotics resources into one convenient place to access and communicate with others to provide expandability, maintainability, functionality, and productivity in a team that was growing faster than ever.

My role was to develop the backend features of the application using PHP and MySQL. This was my first full-scale application so I learned a lot about how to make a website and important fundamentals about how data is stored and collected.

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I developed this classic Dodger game in Python just for fun! I added a bit of a twist to it and put in some special super powers. There's a reverse, a slow down, a bonus and even invulnerability.

I learned how to use tKinter to draw the players and the boxes and utilized Python's simple object oriented concepts to develop game logic.

Please download the game and give it a try!

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I developed this MessageBoard app to learn how to use the AngularJS framework and use ASP.NET routes and server for the backend. This was going to be further developed for use in the high school's Computer Science classes as their official message board forum but it wasn't developed.

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Real Estate

I developed this simple real estate app as my first project in AngularJS. I learned how to extend HTML into Angular to make my page more powerful and dynamic. I also learned the essentials behind MVC architecture and how to create reusable components just like React.

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Honors & Awards

Udacity-Intel Scholar | Intel Corporation | 2019

Capital One Company Challenge Winner | HackRice9 | 2019

Most Valuable Programmer | Steel Talon Robotics | 2019

1st Place (State Competition) | FIRST Robotics Texas Competition | 2018

1st Place (Written)| UIL CS Competetive Programming Competition | 2018

2nd Place (Programming)| UIL CS Competetive Programming Competition | 2018

2-Time Participant | Google Code-In | 2017,2018

1st Place | Regional Scarecrow Contest | 2018

National AP Scholar | CollegeBoard | 2018